While the top of the ticket is a foregone conclusion here in the People's Republik of Kalifornia, you must vote if only to retain your right to complain later. No excuses.
Very few people will bother to vote for the judges because many do not know much about them. Below I list who I think will do a good job wearing a black robe.
This year's voting guide list is dedicated to my friend, Melissa B. who called to tell me that she relies on my voting guide every election cycle. I wouldn't have done it but for her encouragement.
Governor: Neel Kashkari
Lt Gov: Ron Nehring
Sec of State: Pete Peterson
Controller: Ashley Swearengin
Treasurer: Greg Conlin
Atty General: Ronald Gold
Ins. Commis: Ted Gaines
St. Bd of
Eqaulization: G. Rick Marshall
U.S. Representative 28th District: Steve Stokes
Member State Assembly 43rd District: Todd Royal
Judicial --- Supreme Court Justices. These are "YES" or "NO" Votes.
NO - Goodwin Lu
NO - Marianio-Florentino Cuellar
NO - Kathryn Mickle Werdegar
Judicial --- Court of Appeal Justice
YES - Frances Rothschild
YES - Jeffrey W. Johnson
YES - Brian M. Hoffstadt
NO -- Lee Anne Edmon
NO -- Audrey B. Collins
YES - Nora M. Manella
YES - Paul A. Turner
YES - Kenneth R. Yegan
YES - Dennis M. Perluss
YES - Laurence D. Rubin
NO -- Madeleine I. Flier
Judicial - Judge of the Superior Court
Office No. 61: Dayan Mathai
Office No. 87: Tom Griego
School Superintendent: Marshall Tuck
County Assessor: John Morris
County Sheriff: Jim McDonnell
STATE MEASURES (I voted "NO" on every one).
No. 1: NO
No. 2: NO
No. 45: NO
No. 46: NO
No. 47: NO
No. 48: NO
County Measure P: NO
Below is TEAPac's recommendations. TEAPac is a grassroots conservative organization I trust. If you don't live in Glendale, this will provide you with information about your particular local races:
"TEAPAC recommends naval military officer and law enforcement veteran, Dr. Paul Chabot for the 31st Congressional Seat. We apologize for not including him in our initial recommendations."
Congressional Candidates
| |
District 23
Kevin McCarthy
District 25
Steve Knight
District 26
Jeff Gorell
District 27
Jack Orswell
District 28
Steve Stokes
District 29
William Leader
District 30
District 31 |
Mark S. Reed
Dr. Paul Chabot |
District 32
Arturo Enrique Alas
District 33
Elan Carr
District 34
No Recommendation
District 35
No Recommendation
District 37
R. Adam King
District 38
Benjamin Campos
District 39
Ed Royce
District 40
No Recommendation
District 43
John Wood, Jr.
District 44
No Recommendation
District 47
Andy Whallon
Statewide Candidates
| |
Neel Kashkari
Lieutenant Governor
Ron Nehring
Secretary of State
Pete Peterson
Ashley Swearengin
Greg Conlon
Attorney General
Ronald Gold
Insurance Commissioner
Ted Gaines
State Board of Equalization, District 3
G. Rick Marshall
State Senate Candidates
| |
District 18
Ricardo Antonio Benitez
District 20
Matthew Munson
District 22
Marc Rodriquez
District 24
No Recommendation
District 26
No Recommendation
District 30
No Recommendation
District 32
Mario A. Guerra
District 34
Janet Nguyen
State Assembly Candidates
| |
AD 36
Tom Lackey
AD 38
Scott Wilk
AD 39
No Recommendation
AD 41
Nathaniel Tsai
AD 43
Todd Royal
AD 44
Rob McCoy
AD 45
Susan Shelley
AD 46
Zachary Taylor
AD 48
Joe Gardner
AD 49
Esthela Torres Siegrist
AD 50
Bradly S. Torgan
AD 51
Stephen C. Smith
AD 52
Dorothy Pineda
AD 53
No Recommendation
AD 54
Glen Ratcliff
AD 55
Ling-Ling Chang
AD 57
Rita Topalian
AD 58
No Recommendation
AD 59
No Recommendation
AD 62
Ted J. Grose
AD 63
Adam J. Miller
AD 64
No Recommendation
AD 66
David Hadley
AD 70
John C. Goya
County Offices/Measures
| |
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Marshall Tuck
County Assessor
John Morris
Paul Tanaka (NP) or
Jim McDonnell (NP)
LA County Supervisor, District 3
No Recommendation
County Measure
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