There were 500,000 Republicans in L. A. County who didn’t vote in the November 2008 elections. If every Republican in Los Angeles County votes, we win the County. If we win L.A. County, we win the State. If we win the State, we win the National Election. THAT’S HOW IMPORTANT LOS ANGELES COUNTY IS TO THIS ELECTION! Let’s make sure those two candidates are Republicans.Here's how I will be voting June 5th for those races on my ballot in California.
CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE (scroll down for Measures):
United States Senate: Al Ramirez, a true conservative businessman originally from Texas with Hispanic heritage. He is much like Marco Rubio and will bring many conservative Democrat hispanic voters across the line to join us.
U.S. Representative (28th District): Lack luster field, so I'll go with Phil Jennerjahn who at least talks a good game and is endorsed by my local Tea Party.
State Senator (25th District): Gilbert V. Gonzales, the only conservative in the field, and another good cross-over for Hispanics who may prefer principle over politics. He was very smart in filing bilingual statements in the voter's guide.
State Assembly (43rd District): Republican Greg Krikorian because Democrat Mike Gatto just has to go.
For Judge of the Superior Court:
Office No. 3: Sean Coen
Office No. 10: Sanjay T. Kumar
Office No. 38: Lynn Diane Olsen
Office No. 65: Andrea Thompson
Office no. 78: James D. Otto
Office No. 115: Berj Parseghian
County District Attorny: Alan Jackson
County Supervisor 5th District: Michael D. Antonovich
For other California races, please check out TeaPAC's 2012 Voter Guide.
PROPOSED MEASURES: We are taxed enough already. Vote NO to more new taxes.
NO on 28.
NO on 29.
NO on Measure H.
NO on Measure L.
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