
Thursday, October 22, 2009

First Things First

"If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." Ronald Reagan.

Americans are first and foremost a people of Faith. The Founding Fathers formed this nation according to the Judeo-Christian faith in one triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God's own natural laws serve as the basis for Declaration of Independence: "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." The Constitution protects these individual rights which flow from God's natural law. These tenets are non-negotiable because they are from a higher authority. The Founding Fathers did not make these priniciples up.

Liberalism opposes these Constitutional protections because liberalism is based upon the STATE'S rights over the people. Said differently, liberalism seeks to diminsh personal rights in favor of the government's power to rule. That is why liberals are desperately seeking to control major economic and social structures in the U.S. If they succeed, the government will gain tremendous power over individuals. And it will be very hard to undue the damage.

As Americans, as people of Faith, we must stand for individual rights. We must oppose an increase in government control at all levels in society because our foundation is one of INDIVIDUAL, personal rights given by God. Or as the Founders said more eloquently in the Declaration of Independence, all men are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalieneable rights, that among these are the Right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

So, at the very beginning of all endeavors, it is good to start as the Founders started this nation, as Congress starts its day -- with recognition of God the Creator, with thanksgiving to the Him who saw fit to give us the blessing of life in this greatest country of all time, America.

Take a moment to wave, nod your head or wink up at God with a whispered "thanks" before your work each day. Ask for His protection and guidance in what you do, big or small.

May God bless America.
Susan in Glendale


  1. Susan,

    You rock! I remember the day I heard you on Rush, I was twittering about you and trying to get everyone to hear you. I really appreciate you coming on the B-Cast today, you speak the truth and we need as much of that as we can get. I want to personally invite you to the unofficial B-Cast Forums. (not like there are official forums). Anyway, you would be very welcome there and if nothing else, we have a lot of info there. Thanks for speaking up!

    James (Veritas)

  2. And now for something completely different....Conservatism, works every time.

    I live in Phoenix, AZ with my wife and punished with 5 babies, clinging to my guns and religion. It's kind of sad and remarkable that I've lived long enough to see Conservatism be seen as the new counter-culture. Brilliant

  3. Congratulations for standing up. Congratulations for being the voice of millions of Americans who want our country back.

    If we all don't stand up and speak the truth, it (America) will be over very soon. The truth shall set us all free.

    The biggest problem as I see it is that too many people living in this country are ashamed (hear that, Mama Obama?) to be Americans. We are the greatest country in the history of the world. There is nothing wrong with being the best. There is nothing wrong with living in America and being proud of our history, our success, and our founding fathers.

    There is nothing wrong with being American. For too long now the liberals and progressives living in this country have wanted to tear down what so many have given their lives for. FREEDOM! As William Wallace, said in Braveheart, "They may take our lives, but they can never take away our FREEDOM!"

    It all started with the liberals and their political correctness, and the worst word in the English language, "diversity." By establishing forced diversity on Americans, we've been forced to give up our own culture, beliefs, customes and history and exchange them for those of the millions who have moved here seeking our way of life. When we bend over backwards to accomdate all of the other cultures in the world who come to our shores, we lose what it is they were seeking in the first place.

    Stand up and be proud to be an American, and what that stands for. Fly Old Glory. Sing the Star Spangled Banner instead of just listening to it at the next sporting event you attend. Stop sitting in silence when someone puts America down. We've all sat in silence too long.
